Here at Vapextech, we understand the importance of packing everything you need for a game of airsoft.
The must-have equipment does not end simply with a gun, whether this is sufficient ammunition or a range of outdoor camping gear.
What you need in your backpack depends on whether you are gearing up an indoor or outdoor event plus take into account the length of the upcoming game before loading up your bag.
For this blog, we are going to talk you through all the backpack essentials to make sure you leave the battleground as the winner.
1. Backup Gun - A backup gun, whether it is a secondary sidearm mounted to your belt or a full-on extra AEG is essential to keep you moving.
Vapextech does not recommend doing teardowns in the field, a spare battery and an unjamming rod will be a lifesaver. If an issue arises that can be solved
As the UK’s leading supplier of airsoft batteries, Vapextech understand the importance of maintaining your gun to guarantee the best performance.
Airsoft guns are in an investment that you will want to look after properly, so it can be enjoyed for years to come. If your gun malfunctions due to poor care or wears out prematurely, this is unnecessary and completely avoidable. Keeping your gun clean and well maintained is also crucial with regards to safety and preventing accidents.
For our latest blog, Vapextech has put together some handy maintenance instructions to ensure your gun remains in working order.
1. Cleaning the Barrel - Occasionally you will need to clean your airsoft guns barrel. This is often an indication your BBs are deviating v
January is the month for hobbies! And here at Vapextech, we’re the UK’s leading supplier of airsoft batteries that will keep you at top performance throughout January and beyond. We all have a hobby or more. From collecting and seeking to reading and sports participation, everyone has a hobby that keeps their mind busy.
Hobbies have been always been part of human existence. The early hobbies would include swimming and hunting but now we’re in the 21st-century hobbies have become more advanced and technological. However, something that remains the same is the pursuit of keeping our minds active and busy through long days of fun activities.
Throughout January, hobby month is a celebration of these some the very best and engaging hobbies in the UK and around the world. Here at Vapextech, we stock the industry famous Airsoft batteries that will
Airsoft is a fast-growing hobby for enthusiasts who are looking to play out war scenarios and battles. One of airsoft biggest draws is the realism of the firearms. If you want the very best performance out of your weapon when on the frontline, then Vapextech airsoft batteries are a must.
Here at Vapextech, we are the UK’s main importer of Vapextech batteries and we stock a variety of high-quality airsoft batteries in numerous types such as NiMH, LiPo and Life batteries.
Our stock of airsoft batteries ranges from 7.4 volts to 12v, which are specifically designed for airsoft use and for every weapon type. When the enemy is bearing down the last thing you want is to be worrying a
Airsoft is a game of simulated combat played between teams of players otherwise known as Skirmishers. Using replica guns and weapons to fire plastic BB’s the game utilises tactics and teamwork over an outdoor course or designated Airsoft area. Often using the challenges of woodland and abandoned buildings and structures. It combines stealth and cooperation to achieve the aims of the game and can be both physically demanding and fast-paced. Originating in Japan in the 1970’s it has become increasingly popular and accessible over the decades and is now played by thousands across the globe. There is an entire industry around the sport supplying kit and equipment and Vapextech provides many types of Airsoft batteries.
Airsoft has become a highly organised sport with associations and governing bodies like the United Kin
To get the very best performance out of your gun then top class batteries are an absolute must and at Vapextech, we supply a wide range of airsoft batteries that allows your device to function at the peak of its ability. Our Airsoft batteries are designed specifically for demanding usage and there is no better alternative on the market. In this blog, we are going to take a look at how Airsoft batteries can have you firing on all cylinders with no drop in power.
Our products allow you too get the best out of your gun, quality Airsoft batteries must have a high current on demand with only a minimal drop in voltage. In doing so, it allows you to reload faster and have a much