LiPo batteries are Lythium Polymer based and provide a battery with a strong power source for Airsoft and Radio Control Models.
The main benefits of LiPo batteries are that the cells are lightweight. They can be supplied in many different dimensions to suit a range of battery housing. Being lightweight the LiPo battery has proven popular with enthusiasts of radio controlled aircraft, cars, buggies, and boats. Owing to their considerable power to weight ratio, these battery packs are renowned for enabling a highly responsive control of your model.
When it comes to using your LiPo batteries we always recommend checking the instructions. These batteries are a fantastic power source but they must be stored, charged, and used correctly. If the manufacturers advise is not followed, there is an increase in cell damage and even though they usually “pack a punch” where power is concerned, performance can be reduced. In extreme cases LiPo batteries have a fire risk if they overheat or are punctured. Make sure you have the correct type of charger for your batteries.
Providing they are used correctly, our LiPo batteries will give you plenty of enjoyment when flying your model helicopter, driving your radio-controlled buggy, or engaging with competitors in an Airsoft skirmish.
LiPo battery cells for Airsoft are designed to fit into the cranstock of the AEG or Airsoft Electric Gun. Whether an Airsoft pistol or a larger Airsoft rifle, Vapextech has a variety of sizes and voltages to choose from, so you get exactly what you need.
LiPo batteries can be found for RC models by searching the radio control section of our website. Whether you are part of the competitive world of racing or just enjoy radio controlled models as recreational hobby, we have the power packs for you.
If you have a question about any of our LiPo batteries or related products, please get in touch today.