Here at Vapextech, we specialise in providing a wide selection of model and airsoft batteries to customers across the country. We’ve been supplying our Vapextech batteries for quite a while now and we’ve become experts on all things batteries. We pride ourselves on the exceptional standard of our customer service and if you have any questions about our batteries, or need advice on which to choose then please get in touch.

Talk to us About Airsoft Batteries

One of our favourite and most popular ways for our customers to talk to us is by social media. Follow us on twitter or like us on facebook to keep up to date with all our latest news. You can also leave reviews about our products and post photos of our batteries in use.

We stock a comprehensive selection of airsoft batteries to suit many different types of airsoft batteries ranging in voltages from 7.4v to 8v to ensure that we have batteries to suit your needs and requirements. Airsoft batteries must be incredibly powerful but also keep high voltage with minimal voltage drop, and our batteries stand up to these high demands.

Our production plant occupies an area of over 4000 square meters and tests more than 100,000 batteries per day. We pride ourselves on the quality of our batteries and all of our pieces go through rigorous testing to give you absolute confidence in our products.

Browse our Airsoft Batteries Online:

If you would like to find out more about our airsoft batteries then please get in touch with a member of our team who answer any questions you may have. They are all available to purchase online and we offer quick and reliable delivery to your door.