Here at Vapextech, we understand the importance of packing everything you need for a game of airsoft.
The must-have equipment does not end simply with a gun, whether this is sufficient ammunition or a range of outdoor camping gear.
What you need in your backpack depends on whether you are gearing up an indoor or outdoor event plus take into account the length of the upcoming game before loading up your bag.
For this blog, we are going to talk you through all the backpack essentials to make sure you leave the battleground as the winner.
1. Backup Gun - A backup gun, whether it is a secondary sidearm mounted to your belt or a full-on extra AEG is essential to keep you moving.
Vapextech does not recommend doing teardowns in the field, a spare battery and an unjamming rod will be a lifesaver. If an issue arises that can be solved quickly by swapping to your backup and taking the faulty gun to a good tech for repairs following your game.
2. Ammo - Keeping plenty of spare ammo in your pack will make sure you have no trouble taking down your opponent when it comes to it. Bring plenty of BBs and magazines that are the correct calibre and size for your weapons. Also bringing some extra can also be helpful if you need to loan a magazine to a poorly prepared teammate in dire straits.
3. Water - Keeping hydrated during active airsoft games is crucial. Having a simple water bottle is sufficient or for extra efficiency, a water bladder with a mouthpiece is even better.
The easily accessible mouthpieces on water bladders mean you will be able to drink hands-free and stay ready for action. Vapextech would recommend filling bottles or bladders at home so you can get straight to the action when its game time.
4. Food - Airsoft is an active game with your body needing lots of fuel to keep on top form. Load up your bag with snacks and energy bars plus trail mix full of nuts, dried fruit and even some jelly babies to keep your energy levels high.
5. Radios - The most well-prepared teams can talk to each other and strategise on the go. Ensure your radio batteries are fully charged and on the correct frequency. Before the game starts, give your radio a quick check to see if its working and it will serve you well in the field.
6. Weather Appropriate Gear - If you are heading to an outdoor event, it is always useful to check the weather forecast before you head out. Depending on the season, carry a travel-size bottle of sun cream which can be a lifesaver.
On the other end of the spectrum, rain ponchos and waterproof gloves are a good fail-safe item to keep tucked away for a rainy day.
The more you play airsoft, the more you will get used to packing essential items in your backpack before games which will make it even more fun.
Vapextech stock a number of high-quality airsoft batteries, including NiMH, Lipo and Life batteries that are available in a range of voltages from 7.4v to 12v.
We offer an efficient delivery service for all of our products which can be shipped throughout the country. If you have any questions about our batteries, please do not hesitate to contact us today.